
Investopedia将个人理财素养定义为“理解和有效使用各种理财技能的能力”, including personal financial management, 预算, 和投资.” The ability to understand financial concepts, 运用财务管理技能,结合财务知识和技能,能够做出合理的财务决策, allows you to make sound decisions about your money, plan for the future, prepare for monetary emergencies, and potentially decrease stress and anxiety.


  1. The true cost of college
  2. Ways to pay for college
  3. Federal student aid
  4. Budgeting, planning and saving

The True Cost of College

While it is true that grants and scholarships are helpful resources for tuition fees, 还有许多其他的费用,学生可能没有考虑到,而他们在学校.

生活费用. 这可能包括租金或抵押贷款、家具、水电费、保险等等. 这些费用可能会有所不同,特别是如果你的生活安排在开学后发生了变化.

食物. What is covered by a school’s meal plan or do they even offer one?

运输. How can you get to and from classes, the library, study groups, etc.? Does your college require a parking pass?

Educational materials. 教科书, graphing calculators, 交易特定设备(如医学研究的听诊器或平面设计研究的艺术用品), and everyday supplies like pens, paper and highlighters.

Technology expenses. Does your curriculum require a laptop or new software?

Membership fees and dues. 校园俱乐部, student groups and other activities are worthwhile ways to meet people and network, but they can have additional costs associated with them.

毕业典礼的费用. 你需要支付学位授予、毕业典礼、学位帽和学位服等费用吗.?

Post college costs. 毕业后你会有额外的开支吗?比如贷款利息, a loss of student discounts for insurance and memberships, or costs associated with a search for a career in your new degree?

Ways to Pay for College

Grants and 奖学金. Many families qualify for a federal Pell Grant, or state and local grants. 要了解您是否符合资格,请在学生援助处完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).政府. 奖学金, especially smaller ones, 是丰富的, and many students are awarded multiple scholarships. 确保你了解助学金或奖学金的资格标准,以避免失去它或不得不偿还资金.

Education Savings Plans (aka 529 Plans). A 529 plan is a state-run education savings plan. There are two basic types of 529 plans: college savings and prepaid tuition. 你几乎可以投资任何一个州的计划,而不必住在同一个州或在同一个州上大学. Earnings in a 529 plan are tax-deferred, and distributions are not taxed when used for qualifying expenses.

沙巴体育 or Veteran's Benefits. 如果你在军队服役,你可能有资格使用军队学费援助. 退伍军人, 军人的配偶和其他家属也有权享受各种教育援助计划.

Employer Payment or Reimbursement. Some companies and organizations will pay for expenses related to your education, or you may be eligible for employer reimbursement. Each employer has their own guidelines, 因此,确保你了解这些要求,以避免失去福利或不得不向你的雇主支付资金.

勤工助学. 许多大学提供勤工俭学的机会,你可以在学校相关的工作中获得报酬. This can be ideal for students that live on campus. Although work-study is typically not full-time work, it is still a viable option.

Federal Student Loans. Subsidized federal student loans do not accrue interest until after you graduate. Unsubsidized loans accrue interest before graduation. 如果可能的话, 只接受满足你的教育目标所需的最低金额的贷款,在接受无补贴贷款之前,总是接受补贴贷款.

State Government Loans. State 政府ernment loans may have a higher interest rate than federal student loans, and the terms and conditions can vary. 在你接受这些贷款之前,一定要阅读并理解所有的条款和条件.

大学贷款. College loans may have a higher interest rate than federal student loans, and the terms and conditions can vary. 在你接受这些贷款之前,一定要阅读并理解所有的条款和条件.

私人贷款. Private loans may have a higher interest rate than federal student loans, and the terms and conditions can vary. 在你接受这些贷款之前,一定要阅读并理解所有的条款和条件.

Aid From Special Situations. 在特殊情况下,如堕落英雄的孩子,学生可以获得援助, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, considerations for students in foster care, AmeriCorps service, at-risk or homeless students, and other special situations. 如果你认为你符合任何这些情况,请Contact财政援助办公室.

Federal 学生援助 - FAQ

沙巴体育参与了各种州和联邦资助项目. Federal student aid offers federal grant and loan programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education. We’ve included answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Am I eligible for federal student aid?
You may view the federal student aid eligibility requirements at StudentAid.政府.

How do I fill out the FAFSA?
The Free Application for Federal 学生援助 (FAFSA) can be completed at StudentAid.政府. You can also complete your FAFSA via the myStudentAid mobile app.

When should I complete my FAFSA?
You must complete your FAFSA prior to your planned enrollment date. The FAFSA may be completed between Oct. 1 and June 30 each year. You will need access to your tax information in order to complete your FAFSA. 在线表单中的IRS数据检索工具是提取这些信息的有用方法.

How much does it cost to complete the FAFSA?
FAFSA是免费的,它决定了你是否有资格获得佩尔助学金和学生贷款. 付钱给一个服务来完成你的FAFSA不会让它更快地完成,也不会让你赚更多的钱.

What if I don’t want financial aid, just the Pell Grant?
Financial aid consists of both the Pell Grant and student loans. You will need to complete the FAFSA to determine your eligibility for both, and you will have the option to decline student loans.

I need help completing my FAFSA, entrance counseling and/or master promissory note.
Columbia Southern University’s Office of Financial Aid is available to help. 你可以打电话 877-316-8396 或电子邮件 FinancialAid@ColumbiaSouthern.edu. You may also call the Federal 学生援助 Information Center helpline at 1-800-433-3243 or 即时聊天 after business hours.

What happens after I complete the FAFSA?
Your information will be processed and sent to the colleges indicated on your FAFSA. Each school has its own process, requirements and additional required documentation. 重要的是要意识到最后期限,并迅速回应任何信息或文件的请求. 确保每年完成你的FAFSA,并阅读学校财政援助办公室和教育部的所有信件. For more information, watch “After the FAFSA: What Happens Next” at StudentAid.政府.

Where are my financial aid documents?
You may view your documents in your myCSU portal by visiting “My Account” and “Financial Aid.”

Do all these documents require a signature?
是的, all financial aid documents should be signed. Even though some documents are online fillable, you will need to print them out and physically sign each document with a pen.

I missed the deadline. 现在?
Reach out to Columbia Southern University’s Office of Financial Aid by calling 877-316-8396 或电子邮件 FinancialAid@ColumbiaSouthern.edu. We will work with you as much as possible to help you get into the term you want.

Does CSU offer stipends for excess financial aid funds?
是的. 如果符合条件,在支付学费和其他费用后,您可能会收到多余资金的津贴. Stipend calendars are available on the 基社盟的网站 and within your award letter. Generally, any stipend will be sent to you by the midpoint of each term. Specifics about tuition, fees and stipends can be located in your MyCSU portal under the “account” tab.

Do you offer direct deposit?
是的, CSU offers direct deposit. 所有直接存款表格和资金由科罗拉多州立大学学生账户部处理. Direct deposit information is located in your MyCSU portal.

Can you help me with my tuition assistance, 弗吉尼亚州的好处, scholarship and/or tuition reimbursement from my employer?
For personal assistance with these funding sources, future CSU students should call their admissions representative (877-347-6050). Existing students should contact student accounts (877-323-4472.)

Will dropping or failing a class change my financial aid?
是的,可以. If you have questions, please contact CSU’s Office of Financial Aid (877-316-8396) 或电子邮件 FinancialAid@ColumbiaSouthern.edu.

How can I use my federal student aid?
联邦学生援助可以用来支付那些与你的大学教育直接相关的费用, including but not limited to:

  • 学费 and fees (including loan fees)
  • 食宿
  • 运输
  • 育儿费用
  • 教科书, supplies, technology expenses

How much should I borrow?
根据 StudentAid.政府,每月还款额不应超过月薪总额的8%. 如果你计划在上学期间每年都借钱,估计一下你将借的总金额. 然后使用贷款偿还估算器来估计你每个月需要支付多少,并决定借多少.

How do I review what I have borrowed, 找出我的贷款人是谁,并获得有关我的联邦学生贷款的最新信息?
你可以浏览 学生援助 网站, log in to your account and get detailed information about what you have borrowed, along with a variety of other resources.

Budgeting, Planning and Saving

Budgeting, planning, and saving for college shouldn’t stop once college starts. Having a workable budget, managing your student loan borrowing, 当你在学校的时候,继续存钱并做出明智的财务决定会让你养成健康的财务习惯.

根据 美国大学.org在美国,2017-2018年学士学位获得者平均欠下2.9万美元的学生贷款. Additionally, a report from the financial research organization Everfi 调查显示,有一半的美国大学生同时使用两张或更多的信用卡,累积约1美元,000 of credit card debt with each card.

Therefore, the average college graduate has about $30,000 of debt. 债务是一种负担,经济压力会影响你的整体健康和幸福. 你可以通过仔细考虑你的需求,现实地做预算来大大减少这种财务压力, 限制, and short-term and long-term objectives. To get started, consider the following.

What is your income? This should be broken down by month. If your income is highly variable or seasonable, make sure to note those changes to allow for a more accurate picture.

What expenses do you have that are fixed and not negotiable? Some examples of this might be your mortgage or rent, car payment, tuition, etc. What expenses do you have that are variable, 比如公用事业, for which you can reasonably estimate?

What other items are you spending money on that are not necessities? 这可能包括外出就餐、订阅服务、娱乐和休闲活动.

Make sure to account for your savings as well. Are you currently setting money aside for savings, 应急基金, or other planned large expenses?

Once you have your income and your expenses accounted for, make a list to determine where money is being spent, if you have more going out than in, and any areas where you might be able to save money or bring your budget in line.

You may wish to keep track of this budget on a spreadsheet, 预算软件, or even in notebook paper or specially designed notebooks available commercially.

连续几个月记录你的收入和支出,了解你的钱都花到哪里去了,以及如何做出改变. Once you have a good handle on it, you may need to only revisit it occasionally.

There are many resources out there to help you create a budget, save for a rainy day, build 应急基金 and plan for the future. Whether you prefer face-to-face human interaction, 一个应用程序, 一个网站, or a book or podcast, there are tools available in a multitude of formats to help you budget, 计划和保存.

There are many resources out there to help you create a budget, save, and plan. For more information, check out these 预算建议 在StudentAid.政府.

Contact the Office of Financial Aid

At Columbia Southern University, 我们为我们的学生以负担得起的价格提供最强的在线学位课程而感到自豪. 平均, 我们的学费不到竞争对手的一半,而且教科书是免费提供的.

我们的经济援助办公室可以帮助你解决任何与资助你的大学教育有关的问题. 随时Contact我们.

Columbia Southern University
Office of Financial Aid
(877) 316-8396

References and Additional 资源